Sunday, April 22, 2007

Paws for a moment

Today, the BeerHound's cat Lindy died. The cat's name was officially Lindy the Lindberg Baby. Since she was a rescue cat, my sister got to choose a birthday for Lindy and so she chose Yom Kippur. (Yes. She knows Yom Kippur doesn't fall on the same day every year. That's why it's funny.)

This was pretty sudden. As in, she was talking to me on the phone and said, "Something's wrong with Lindy. Gotta go!" *click*

The BeerHound is devastated. Heartbroken. Some of you know what I mean by being heartbroken at the loss of a pet, and the rest of y'all can just take my word for it.

I was devastated when my cat died a couple of years ago, and damn it, that cat and I didn't even like each other. But as the song sort of goes, I'd grown accustomed to his whiskers.

So, bye, Lindy. Thanks for taking care of my sister.


somethinkorother said...

I'm sorry to hear that lindy died. I told Red And Freckled that she had met Lindy but she didn't remember. Thanks for the memories, Lindy and Sarah.

Nick said...

Yom Kippur is not the same day every year? Meaningless to know.