Tuesday, April 10, 2007


It's strange, what we can see through our little windows into other people's lives.

My neighbors across the back? They're too busy to actually live in their house. They must have gotten a good interest rate, because otherwise, apartment living would have made better sense.

Why do I think this? First off, they both work 40+ hour weeks. When they moved in, only the husband was working, which I learned from conversation #1 with the wife. Also, they have a son the same age as mine. But shortly after that, the wife was also working full time, which I learned from conversation #2. Which is the total number of conversations I've had with my closest neighbors.

They have a pool, but they never use it. They both work, so their son is in day care roughly 9 hours a day. They mow their own lawn, but it's about every 10 days to 2 weeks or more, so I'd guess it's an Issue for them. They rarely have both the regular garbage and the recycle garbage out for pickup at the same time. Strangely, it's usually just the recyclable.

Maybe they can't cook.

They are what the Jesus of Cheese and I would have been, had I not quit my job when my daughter was born. If I couldn't cook--except I can. Very well, thank you.

I can only imagine it. Well, all except the pool, which we don't have, though our yard begs for a pool. I would have kept working, put our daughter in day care, and she would have been essentially the same person, but...not. Probably jaded. She wouldn't be the kid who thus far this year in First grade, has had perfect daily behavior ratings thus far. I don't know if that's good or bad, but I think it's good. Or freaky. You choose.

I may or may not have kept my same job and if so, probably I would now be working for IBM and my commute would be shorter. WaFuckinHoo.

Mostly, I think, had I kept working, we wouldn't have had time to conceive my son. I've seen no evidence my neighbors have procreated once again. I see little evidence they are even home at the same time.

By the way, my son's a riot. If one happens to be his parent, that is. I'm not going to tell stories because they would bore you.

But I think he's really funny.

Anyway. So we really live in our house.

My neighbor's house probably looks great. Mine looks like shit.
Literally. There are stains on my carpet that...well, never mind. We're replacing that. Soon. As soon as we don't have to pay private preschool tuition. June. July. August, latest.

Right now I don't know whether to do the Superior Dance or hide behind my bottle of Shiner.

Well, the bottle of Shiner's right here, but so's my music. Guess I'll do both.

1 comment:

somethinkorother said...

Food is awesome, son is truly funny, house not bad just lived in like she said, well adjusted children is something not too many parents these days can boast. It's all good.