Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Go away. I'm in a bad mood.

I'm very mad at God today. My friend K-Bear (my daughter's brownie troop leader and room mom at school) had a miscarriage. It's just like what happened to me before I had my daughter, which is medically referred to as a "silent abortion," where the baby dies and you've got to have a D&C, so that you don't hemorrage later when your body finally rejects the baby.

This is my friend's second miscarriage in a year. And it really PISSES ME OFF that irresponsible, drug-addicted parents get to have perfectly healthy babies while my friend, who's a wonderful person and a great mom, gets her child and her heart torn away...

I'm really mad at God.


Rank and File said...

My wife and I lost our first child at full term. My wife delivered her naturally eventhough she knew our daughter was already gone. We were mad at the world for a while too. But once we had our son a year and a half later...we knew why god took her. Because our son was brought here for a reason. Some day we hope to know what that reason is. He probably would not have been in the stars when it came time for a second child. Our plan was to wait 3 years to have a second child. Yeah it sounds sappy but I believe in destiny. She will have a child and she will understand why the others were lost...eventually.

Amy Ruiz Fritz said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your friend.

It's natural to be angry. It's probably healthy too, but don't lose hope. Your friend will need your strength.