Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Les Chateaux de la Loire Montrichard

Originally posted Tuesday, 12/14/2004, message on a postcard I received in 1991:

"My friend:

The revolution is worsening.

Robespierre is whacking off heads like he was shopping for melons in the farmers' market. The tennis courts are all booked up for constitution signings and the Restaurant Bastille couldn't whip up a decent croissant if the revolution depended on it.

Besides, the Mrs. is out de-robing monks and demanding the return of Napoleon. He's been dead five years now.

Next thing you know, they'll take away my wine. I can't live without my wine.

I hope all is well with you and...what's his name? Ah yes...Thor.

I hope the revolution end soon. You know how naked priests upset me.

Oh, look at that. An angry band of women are discombobulating the Bastille maitre d'.

God save the people. The aristocracy is swine. Vive la France.

1 comment:

Nick said...

I sometimes forget about the joy of wine... but not lately.