Wednesday, September 16, 2009

AM Flashback

Did the guy who sang "Sad Eyes" have his testicles removed? Geez, I can't even sing some of those notes and I'm a soprano (dammit; I was an alto for a while but then I quit smoking).

"Sad Eyes" was on the radio this morning as we were heading to the carpool line. I started telling the kids about how I used to hear this song on the way to school all the time, while riding the bus, but it sounded much worse because it was AM radio.

Then I had to explain AM radio. Luckily it was easy because I just pushed a button on the console.

"THIS is AM radio. It just doesn't sound as good but there weren't many FM stations then."

"MacArthur Park" was playing. The original, not the disco hit.

Simian Boy asked how long radios had been in cars. I told him that the oldest vehicle I had been in which had an [original] radio was my Dad's 1946 GMC pickup. Right now, the radio still works in it if the battery is charged, but nothing else does.

After the drop-off, I kept the AM station on and listened to the end of MacArthur Park. I even had to sit in the driveway for a while. It's an extremely long song.

"Someone left the cake out in the rain

Oh the sweet green icing flowing doooooown!" Marcus Aurelius warbled at me.

Then a key change. Then another. Then that jamming' part. Then yet ANOTHER key change.

When I was in 8th grade, my sister was in the Senior Band and they got to perform MacArthur Park for the Spring Thing. (Actually it was called the Spring Sing, but that doesn't make sense because half the time it's instrumental music). The song plays much better as an instrumental.

I don't think it's going to be an option on Rock Band any time soon.

Friday, September 11, 2009

As Starfyfreak would say: TOTALLY RANDOM.

First: today my iPhone crashed. I figured out why. Be sure to update your iTunes to the new software before using it to update your iPhone to ITS new software.

I ended up having to go to the backup from before I got the new 3G phone (it was dated 8/14), then updating the software, then re-doing the sync. Which still messed with my data. Nothing's lost, but there's a lot of extra crap to get rid of in my contacts and stuff.

Next: to the gray Lexus who has done morning carpool directly in front of me two days in a row: 1) It is not necessary to be the first person in line, to let your kids out of the car. You can be the second, third, whatever, as long as you're somewhere in front of the school. 2) It is not necessary to stay parked at the front of the line until you see your child actually enter the school. She knows the way--it's kind of a point A to point B thing. She won't get lost. Promise. 3) This trying to turn left, but then giving up and turning right? Getting old. Just turn right, every time. Then I won't have to kill you. 4) Once you pass the beginning of the school zone--you saw it a couple of minutes ago, with the yellow blinking light?--yeah, there. Anyway, on your way back, there's a "resume 30mph" sign. IT MEANS YOU CAN DRIVE 30 AGAIN. Really, I'm sure of it. I've even seen the police do it. 5) When you drive, and I mean WHENEVER you drive, stay in the driving lane. If you have to swerve around parked cars, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.


Last: Considering today's date, what I just wrote is pretty insignificant. However, my favorite blogger, Sarah Bunting at has something worth hearing about. Here's her story. (Once there, click on the "Listen" link.)