Thursday, May 15, 2008


I've had a weird week. I've tried to blog it several times, but what ended up on those pages would have first made you cringe, and then made you run away thinking I'm pathetic and sad.

"But social!"

Kudos to anyone who gets that movie reference.

Therefore, I'll try to really shorthand it for you. 1) Simian Boy issues. 2) Female Trouble. 3) Death. 4) War. 5) Taxes.

You can stop reading now.

Still with me?

Begin exposition.

1) You don't need to know even more about enemas than you already know. Let' move on.

2) Being 40 and pre-menopausal isn't my only problem. I've got a BUNCH of uterine fibroids and you will be very happy I'm not going to 'spain how this was diagnosed. I don't know what the next step is because my doctor has this habit of going off and delivering other people's babies when I want to talk to her. Also, I got my boobs squished in that machine again and this time it actually hurt. But not for long, and it's still less painful than the dentist.

3) My aunt died. She was my dad's only sibling. A few months ago I volunteered that when she died, I would go to the funeral to "represent the family." (Dad can't fly any more, we don't want my parents to drive that far any more, and everyone else has a job.) Lucky me, she's already been cremated and they had a "private family service" for her. A memorial will occur later, but none of us need to go to that.

Which tells me, that we weren't considered "close" enough to even be invited to the private service, and not important enough to go to the memorial. Which, considering that my Dad was her only brother, is pathetic and sad. And anti-social. We're blaming the whole thing on this woman having become a "West-coaster" over 60 years ago. We don't know what's up. We don't care. Well, my mom and dad do, but they're still feeling guilty about being relieved that they don't have to go to Washington state and make nice.

What's bothering me is that it puts a blinking neon highlight on the fact that my Dad isn't doing well.

4) Watch The Daily Show interview from Monday. It depressed me horribly.

5) Our rebate check won't come until June because our "electronic filing" technically wasn't electronic, according to the IRS because it came through a secondary source. So we get a hard check with everyone else, in June.

Wow, June's gonna be a Red Letter Month for me, huh.

But hey! I bought a new vacuum yesterday and the Jesus of Cheese was thrilled! I'm gong to vacuum the whole house today after I get done making copies!

So I've got that going for me. Which is nice.

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