Friday, November 23, 2007

Me and my big mouth

Yesterday I let slip to my in-laws that I have a blog. They wanted the address, to which I replied, "Oh, HECK no!"

They assumed it was because I've written about them. But that's not really why.

I told them it's because it's rather 'blue' in the manner that some comedians are blue. Not that I think I'm funny. I entertain myself, but I don't assume anyone else will be entertained.

However, I'm not always safe for work.

Also, what I post here makes it obvious that I am SO not "nice."

My in-laws keep insisting that I am. They're very wrong.

I've told them they're wrong, but if they read the crap I write here, they'd have proof.

I guess it's better to be thought of as an immoral drunken chain smoking internet hack who disrespects her family, than to have that family go online and find proof.

So here's a random question to anyone reading this: see if you can find a reference to this blog on a search engine, going on what you know of me in real life.

Okay. Go.


Rank and File said...

Google search:
(city) (state) (first name) blog

Took less than a minute.

somethinkorother said...

sheesh, that was easy. And yas, you are nice. Thas why I love ya. :)