Saturday, November 24, 2007


The movie Krull was on this evening.

Yeah, it's a stupid movie, except for two things: Liam Neeson and Robbie Coltrane are in it.

Why do I care?

Another lifetime ago, when I lived at the Webster House of the Mentally Deranged, Criminally Insane, Religiously Confused, Sexually Frustrated, Financially Destitute, and Morally Ambiguous, the owner had the arcade version of the Krull video game.

Once when I was waiting there for someone--this was before I lived there--I had some time to kill, so I played Krull. For hours.

Later on, when I lived there, I played for hours more. Hell, it was just standing there in the middle of the living room, and it was free.

We even rented the movie once, just so we could figure out what the point of the game was supposed to be. Turns out neither had one.

Once when we were having a party, some guy challenged me to a game and I said, "Okay, sure. I haven't played for a while."

He immediately expressed regret at his challenge, saying that the phrase "I haven't played for a while" means that you've played a lot, got good at it, and then got sick of it, so a novice has no chance of winning a challenge.

Yeah, I kicked his ass.

Later, for some reason (probably space) the owner gave/loaned/bartered the game to my friend Sweet Irish George, who had a house a few blocks up the hill.

Word has it that one of his roommates traded it to someone for a bag of pot.

It might not have been worth much, but it was worth more than a bag of pot.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I actually saw this movie in the theater when it came out. Even as a child I remember thinking that it sucked. I thought I was the only one who had ever heard of it. I never got past the falling...krull blades? in the game. I don't know why I ever played it more than once.