Thursday, October 18, 2007

Almost funny

Not one, but two of my cousins sent me this cartoon. Oh, those crazy North Dakotans!

Back in the day, I used to encourage my shelvers to shelve books by size, and then color.

And they were allowed to throw out the Grisham books.


Soberphobic said...

Technically, I'm a Minnesotan. I merely work in ND.

BeerPup said...

I knew you were gonna say that. You were born in North Dakota, you went to college in North Dakota, and you lived there until a couple of years ago.

So, TECHNICALLY you're a Minnesotan 'cause that's what your driver's lisence says.

Being Minnesotan/Texan confused myself right now...meh. Be a Minnesotan if you want. We have better lakes, and even a few trees, some professional sports teams...

As the song goes:

"Minnesota, Minnesota
We are East of North Dakota
We ar South of Manitoba
We've got somehting really rare!"

Soberphobic said...

I think I'll always consider myself a North Dakotan. The brown windy prairies, the cold, rampant alcoholism, the lack of high-paying jobs -- Truly a blessed land.