Friday, January 30, 2009

The most "Brasgalla*" thing the BeerHound has ever uttered

It seems both BeerHound and I had intestinal upset last night.

"I woke up just from the pain, not from the...impending download. That took a while," I told her. "I think it was the French onion soup."

"That always happens. The better the broth is? The worse the upset," the 'Hound said. "I woke up in such pain, it hurt so bad." She paused to reflect and collect her thoughts.

"It felt like I was having a heart attack!" she continued. "Then I had the loudest, runniest, stinkiest bowel movement of my life. And then when it was finally over, I thought, 'I'm never, ever eating that much sauerkraut at one time ever again!'"

*Brasgalla is my mom's maiden name. Her father was really....German.

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