Friday, November 9, 2007

'Nuther Quiz

1. How tall are you?

5 feet, 2 inches--tallest woman in my family!

2. Have you ever played a musical instrument and what was it?

French horn. And occasionally trumpet.

3. Describe your favorite pair of shoes.

My black, soft, low-heeled boots that I bought at Hobbes in London in 1990.

4. What color is your car?

Mine's the white one but I usually drive the red one.

5. Name your favorite song.

"In your eyes" by Peter Gabriel

6. Paper or plastic?

Plastic because I can bring it back to the store for recycling.

7. Mac or PC and is it a laptop?

MacBook. Sometimes an iMac.

8. Do you speak any foreign languages and what are they?

Swedish, but I do it badly. I can ask for the bathroom, train station, bus stop, and order a beer. You know, the IMPORTANT things.

9. What's your favorite comfort food?

Chex party mix, or Triscuits with melted cheddar on 'em.

10. Tell us one thing that most people don't know about you.

I really am incredibly shy even though no one believes me! Oh, and I mispronounce words on purpose.


Rank and File said...

I don't believe you are shy.

somethinkorother said...

I thought mis-pronouncing words on poipose was my MO?
Hee hee