Sunday, June 3, 2007

I'll happily go to hell for my joy over this

School has finally ended, all that insanity is done. Wahoo!

My daughter had her first sleep-over last night and I'm exhausted, but it was a great success. The seven extra little girls (okay, one's not little because she's 10 and taller than me) have gone home. Wahoo!

Now the weirdness, and it's over conflicted emotions. My friend Cat's ex committed suicide. I'm conflicted because a man is dead, but I'm very relieved for her. Let me explain.

Cat had to move out of her home country three years ago, to Dallas, because he was abusive and threatened (and tried) to kill her. She left her home country because the border was a good defense, considering the man's criminal record. She has three kids, one of whom is friends with my daughter. Her oldest is our babysitter. Luckily she could transfer within her company, but she was still extra-cautious in terms of being low-profile, like using a PO box and such.

A year ago she was hoping they could go to her home country to visit, because her ex had violated parole (threatened/tried to kill his new girlfriend) and she was hoping he would be incarcerated so they could at least visit family. The idiot judge gave him probation.

('Scuse me? The man pledged to kill at least two women and you let him loose? Fuck. Just.Fuck.)

This is a very strong, sweet woman who up-rooted her kids to keep them and herself safe. She was prepared to do this for the rest of her life. She felt guilt over her kids having to leave their friends and family, and alot of separation anxiety, but at least they were safe.

When she picked up her daughter this morning, she said she was going to her home country next weekend, and told me how they were safe now because her ex was no longer a threat. She's put in for a work transfer, and it's a big company so I'm pretty sure she'll get it.

So she gets to go visit her parents at their house, which hasn't been safe for her in three years (more, acutally), and she'll be a keynote speaker at a conference about domestic abuse.

I'll deal with my own guilt over being happy her ex is dead. Because Cat is free.



Julie Borst said...

I wouldn't feel guilty, BP. Your friend and her children are safe! They can go home! They never have to be afraid ever again! No need to feel guilty about that!

Nick said...

I'd like to go to hell for a few minutes just to thank the guy for having the balls to get rid of himself before he caused any more suffering to anyone.