Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Not soon mended

Bank policies suck.

I'm the Brownie troop treasurer. So I was stupid enough to e-mail our banker, telling her of OFL's passing, and asking her what the protocol is. Asked what paperwork was necessary, and I was also stupid enough to ask--God, I hate saying this--if she needed a death certificate or something.

When I was a teller at a credit union, we generally needed that. For PERSONAL accounts. Which this is definitely not.

Flash back to yesterday, when I was dropping the kids off at school. For weeks I had been watching for OFL's daughter, accompanied (usually) by her grandmother or occasionally her father. The day after OFL died, I knew it before K-Bear told me because I hadn't seen any of the family that morning.

Yesterday, I saw OFL's huband, X walking away from the school, and stop. He turned around to watch his daughter walk into the school. He stood there for a very long time; long enough that I nearly pulled over so I could ask him to get in and, I don't know, let me cry at him? Let me say stupid things meant to make him laugh? Distract him? Something.

I didn't do it. He was doing what he needed to. It'll be hard for him to know exactly what that is for a while.

But one thing's for damn sure. I am NOT asking him for any paperwork for any stupid bank account. Nor will I ask anyone else to.

The bank can go fuck themselves.

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