Friday, October 24, 2008

Interesting things I learned today:

1) When in Frisco, NEVER DRIVE ON ELDORADO PARKWAY! Ever. Or for at least two years. What a nightmare.

2) The librarians at the Frisco Public Library kick ass. And the techs and assistants and shelvers, too. And the temps. But mostly the librarians.

3) The library cards now come as a regular card AND one of those key fob things. You know, just like at the grocery or office supply store. Coolio! If I hadn't stupidly thrown away my old library card (what the fuck was I thinking?) it still would have been worth the $1 to get one.

4) I really should have explained, recorded, certified, harangued, and addressed ad nauseam (to the school) that my son, Simian Boy, is RED/GREEN COLORBLIND. Really. He is. Yeah, I know it's genetic. I know that because MY DAD IS RED/GREEN COLORBLIND. Oh and also MY DAD'S MOTHER WAS RED/GREEN COLORBLIND. So. Yeah. He is. He had a 50% of inheriting it from me, and damn, he did. Don't believe me? Prove me wrong.

5) Big Red gum is now available in this area. Not the extra hot whatever crap they had been selling; plain old Big Red. Thank you, Wrigley!

Um, I wonder if my son sees this at "Big Tan" gum. Oh, never mind.

6) With my jaw issues I really shouldn't chew any of that Big Red. But of course I bought some anyway.

7) There are liquor stores just right over there in Little Elm.

8) I can relax because I finally bought some more Glenfiddich. Hey, toothaches! Just try and foil me!

9) Leeks are out of season. Don't even try to buy them.

10) I know I said it before, but I'll say it again: early voting kicks ass. And so do Brownie Moms.

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