Friday, October 31, 2008


Yeah, we had an earthquake at midnight last night. Yes, earthquake. In North Texas. It was only a 3. Therefore, the picture above is NOT what happened last night; rather it is an illustration as to what an earthquake CAN do. Say, if you were in Alaska in 1964, which I wasn't since I wasn't born for another three and a half years.

(Those of you who are non-Texans--it happened near the DFW airport, for your geographical reference. It was not all that close to Texas Motor Speedway so I'm sure the Dickies 500 on Sunday will be totally unaffected.)

So, here we go with those "portents and signs" that wacky St. John the Divine wrote about while he was enjoying those lovely mushrooms on Patmos.

I wonder, if Obama doesn't get elected this time around, will armageddon be delayed? And having this knowledge, would you vote differently?

Me, neither.

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