Sunday, August 9, 2009

Dreams, Insomnia, Resolution

I've been wide awake since 4:30. I can't decide if that's good or bad.

Before that I was having odd dreams. The things that normally happen in dreams, didn't. I was in college, and I went from one class to another. The second class, I wasn't prepared for the test that was being given. Normally at this point in the dream there would be panic on my part, and I'd try and explain my way out of it by saying I already have two college degrees and so why do I need another? And who registered me for this class anyway? Then I flunk the class, the whole year, and my life is in ruins.

Except this time, I looked at the test, which had two sets of questions: one normal one, and another set you could take if you chose to consult your class notes (for an automatic grade deduction). I realized I couldn't pass either since I didn't know anything about music theory, and I didn't have class notes, having never attended the class. Where the dream usually goes South, instead I walked up to the teacher and said, "There's no way I can pass this course. I need to withdraw. Will you sign my withdrawal form?"

And she DOES! Then I'm going somewhere with my friend and she's in a hurry to get somewhere and when we get to the spot where we have to choose where she wants to go, or where the administration building is, I say, "I have to go take care of this. It's the last day to withdraw without penalty and maybe I can get some tuition back."

She doesn't try and convince me to go with her!

So I go to where you wait in line, and there's no one else in line! And all the windows are open! And one guy says, "Can I help you?" When he realizes what I need, he says, "This is the wrong line. I only handle people with names up to 'C'. You have to go two windows over."

And that window is open too! I withdraw and get 20% of my tuition back from the course, which is better than nothing.

And then I go with my friend to learn how to best photograph dogs. Turns out, it's important to have their shadow in the photo--according to my dream, anyway.

Then I hugged puppies, and then I woke up and couldn't sleep.

Which is why I couldn't decide if being awake since 4:30 was good or bad.

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