Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Being Girly

I'm mourning the loss of my hair. It used to be long. Here's an example:

It actually was down to my waist at one point. I accidentally tucked it into my pants.

Deal was, though, it was pretty thin. I've always had thin, fine hair. However, at the time the photo was taken, it was as thick as it's ever been.

When it got really scraglly looking, I went to Vic at Tony Cao. He cut off about 8 inches and said that no one would notice.

Unfortunately, he was right.

Later, I cut off another 8 inches, and that time people actually noticed. And said it looked better.


So this last time, today...well, I got an actual " hairdo." To do it right, a blow-dryer and gel and hairspray must be used.

I'm hesitant. I mean, I OWN such things, but it's not like I used them on a regular basis. Once a month...maybe.

AND. This is the scary part.

I had my brows done. And believe me, it's been a long time coming. I'm sure the Curtsinger PTA will sigh in relief. Here's a snippet of my convo with the brow technician:

BeerPup: I've never had my brows done before.

BrowTech: Really? Do you ever just pluck them yourself?

BP: Well, if one seems to be halfway to my hairline, or infringing on my lid, yeah, but otherwise, the last time I "did" my brows was when I was 15.

BT: Um...Really?

BP: But I figured, I'm starting to look like Keith Olbermann, so I should really consult a professional.

BT: I'm sure it's not THAT bad....

(She takes a closer look...)

BT: Oh...OH MY!

So, yeah. Olbermann brows. Really.

Don't worry, no need to fear. They're gone. I'm told the pain will subside in a couple of days.

Pray for me.

1 comment:

somethinkorother said...

I almost called you today to see about hanging out at your house while waiting for redandfreckled to get out of the education institution. Good thing I didn't since you were getting a bit of pampering done today. hee hee. I can't wait to see the new you! or rather the newness of you. :)