Friday, August 17, 2007


I'll get up before the ass crack of dawn. I'll drive in the more mundane of my two vehicles, and park in short-term at the airport.

I'll go through security. Only in my dreams will there be a body cavity search.

I'll shop for the birthday present I should have found today. Then I'll get on the plane.

They'll serve me a flat muffin and weak coffee. Which will be better than the bag of peanuts and even weaker coffee they would have served me, had I been flying on American.

I'll knit stuff. My seatmates will watch me and pretend not to. If I finish what I'm knitting, I'll give it to one of them. My iPhone will supply the soundtrack.

Rental car secured, I'll go see Breastless Beth, and maybe a couple of other friends.

Then on to Duluth, where SkyDog has promised me my Kick Ass Cup of Coffee.

And then the birthday party...and stuff. There will be joy and sorrow, and it will be surreal. Because the guest of honor is always surreal. I think he bends electromagnetic waves in his vicinity. He's just like that.

Dunno what I'm doing on Sunday besides getting on a plane in the evening. That's the fun part!

It might involve Perkins and the Buttermilk Five(TM), though. I'll let you know. Stay tuned.

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