Saturday, April 12, 2008

I Won! I won! I...oh, who cares?

Once the local radio station asked the trivia question, "What is Meat Loaf's real name?" A lot of people called and guessed, but no one actually knew it. I knew I'd read it somewhere, so out of curiosity I looked it up in a 3-year old magazine, thinking surely someone else would answer correctly before I found it. Nope! But I was too scared to call the station myself, and had The Boy do it. So he won, even though I answered the question. It was a gift certificate for a local restaurant, which we never ended up using.

The answer is Marvin Lee Aday, by the way.

Once at lunch a few years ago, I won some lingerie. Some bar/grill places near the local tech companies have "Lengerie Shows" on Fridays, give out tickets for a drawing. I was there for the cheap filet mignon, but left with a black teddy. There was a bit of an Ick Factor, since the lingerie model had actually warn the piece.

The one I remember most, though, was when I won a turkey. Our family's life insurance company would have annual branch meetings at the church every October, and all members--anyone with an insurance policy was entered, myself included. Usually my Great Uncle Arnold won EVERY YEAR. I think he bribed the agent. When I was 11, instead of Arnold's name, they called mine! When everyone started laughing, I ran in the bathroom and hid and cried. I thought they were laughing at me. And they kind of were. I told my mom to just give Arnold the stupid turkey if she could just get everyone to wipe their condescending smiles off their faced when they looked at me. (Yes, I knew how to correctly use the word "condescending" when I was 11.) Then on Thanksgiving, I had some kind of nasty stomach virus and I couldn't eat any of the stupid turkey, anyway.

1 comment:

Soberphobic said...

I spent $5 on a raffle ticket a few years ago. I won a garden kneeling pad. Lime green.