Thursday, April 17, 2008


The BeerHound and I were at the Other Grocery Store a little over a week ago. All we needed was beer and water--we were shopping for the NASCAR race the next day.

When we got to the checkout, she shortest line was the tobacco line. The woman in front of us only had about 8 items.

But then, she kept asking the price of this, that, or the other tobacco item, and doing it in a manner that she seemed to be deliberately interrupting the checker. And in between, she was double-checking and disputing the prices of the other stuff she was buying. The last thing to be rung up were some flowers and stuff, and it was pretty obvious that she had taken three bunches and shoved them together, as if they were one item. The checker caught it, of course, so she suddenly decided not to buy one bunch because, she said, she thought it was only a buck or two and not six--as if she hadn't checked every price of every item!

Then. THEN! She decided to actually choose a tobacco product to buy, which wasn't any of the things which she inquired about earlier.

Then, I think she paid with a check.

Eight grocery items, two packs of cigarettes, twelve minutes.

Finally our turn, the checker got us out of there in about two minutes. We actually got out the door before GriftLady, since she still seemed to be browsing on her way out.

Once we got out the door and loaded the stuff into the car, we watched the woman push her cart to her car, which was parked all the way over at the adjacent strip mall in front of Subway and MasterCuts.

"Bet you five bucks she doesn't bring her cart back," I asked BeerHound.

"I'm not taking that bet. No wait, look!"

The woman had begun to push the cart back toward the store! But then she took and abrupt left, lifted the cart over the curb, and parked it on the grass on the side of the grocery store.

Sometimes, being a Tool can be taken to neurotic levels.

Now, I know I'M crazy. But at least I'm not crazy THAT way.

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