Thursday, December 27, 2007

Come on, get happy!

First off, I can see. Leaves on trees. A BLOCK AWAY!

Second, The Dave had his Christmas present surprise ruined, sort of. He asked our son Simian Boy to give him a hint.

"It makes a sound," said Simian Boy.

Wow. Accurate, subtle, good hint! Except he went on.

"A sound, like a guitar."


The Dave already knew, basically. He just didn't know what KIND of guitar. And it's an Ibanez JS1000, not the JS1200 as I indicated earlier. The Dave thinks the only difference between the two, is that the 1200 has that exclusive lipstick-red color, whereas the 1000 is a lovely pearl black, which he much prefers.

Now that The Dave has the peripherals he wanted for the guitar, he's allowed Stick Girl to use the "real microphone." He has ideas about a family band. She would sing, and maybe do the keyboards, once she learns them. Simian Boy would be on percussion, of course. I don't know what I'd do, besides the backup singer (further back up, the better). Obviously, we need a bass player. Maybe we can get my Former Indentured Servant to do that; he used to play cello.

But first we have to transport the children into the future for 18 months while they learn how to play their instruments.

We'll let you know how that works out.

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