Tuesday, December 4, 2007

At least now I know WHY

Now I know why some morning carpool line volunteers just stare at my car and don't help my kids out.

They can't see through the tinted windows.

However, it's still pretty stupid to just stand there. I mean, I wouldn't pull through the line unless I actually HAD children in the car, now, would I? And it's not like they can assume the kids got out further back in the line, because it's pretty hard to see through the window at all sometimes--I checked--so they have no idea whether there are children in there or not.

But being a carpool line and all, it would be safe to assume there ARE.

After all, if a crazy lady pulled through the carpool line every day and DIDN'T have children, she should be arrested.

But you know...I can't be the only one this happens to. After all, owning an UrbanTruckster (or TollwayJammer or in some cases, PenisenlargingCoupe) is required by law in my neighborhood. I can't be the only one with tinted windows. I KNOW I'm not. After all, we can't be allowed to actually SEE each other while driving our ostentatious, conspicuously consumptive conveyances.

One never knows when road rage will strike.

Maybe in the carpool line.

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