Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Another one.

All y'all EXCEPT Rank n File should watch this ('cause RnF will just get all pissy at me again. So don't watch this, RnF. It'll just piss you off.)

So if your online handle is NOT RankNFile, click. Teehee!

Not for educatamative factors, but because it's entertaining. I heart Harrison Ford AND Shia LeBouf. (In my dreams, at the same, where were we?....)

Oh. This:

PS I already voted a week ago, Monday.


Rank and File said...

OK so when did I get all "Pissy?"

BeerPup said...

Here's what you said:

"Rank and File said...
Every single person in that video can afford whatever they need. All they care about is poor people overseas like Darfur and other places like that. Let's see them give money directly to poor people in this country. They'll never do it. So that video did nothing for me.

OCTOBER 4, 2008 1:12 AM"

Rank and File said...

1:12 AM I must have been asleep! I just hate it when hollywood people think that their opinion is gospel. I think Snoop is the only one in that whole video that actually doesn anything for his own community. Although Harrison Ford does rescue people using his plane. I think the video is both stupid and funny at the same time.

BeerPup said...

Hey, I warned you not to watch it. And I think Harrison also uses his helicopter to rescue people.