Monday, September 22, 2008

Didn't ya see the blinkin' light??

Once my friend Juanita was stopped speeding in a school zone.

"Didn't ya see the blinkin' light?"

Actually, she didn't. It's happened to all of us--you're in just a position next to a truck, where it blocks all the road signs. She really didn't see the blinkin' light.

I share this story today because, the point is that the blinkin' light is where the school zone STARTS.

I'm talking to YOU, WHITE SUBURBAN!!! The school zone does NOT start when you have a child in your car and are on your way to school. It also does NOT start when you see your first crossing guard. IT STARTS WHERE YOU SEE THE BLINKIN' LIGHT! And also, for your convenience, the speed limit is marked right below the light, which is 20. TWENTY MILES PER HOUR.

NOT.15. Just NOT.

(So, yeah, the White Suburban drove fifteen miles an hour in front of me for two miles. I'm not kidding. Times like that, I drive slightly to the right, almost in the parking lane, so my fellow carpoolers behind me can see that I AM NOT THE ASSHOLE.)

To review:

1) Observe normal driving laws until you see the blinkin' light.
2) Drive the speed marked below the blinkin' light, but no slower.
3) Resume normal speed when there's another sign that says you can. For your convenience, the sign even uses the word "Resume."

Thank you.

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