Thursday, February 28, 2008

A BeerPup Looks at 40*

*Apologies to Jimmy Buffett

Several times I was asked yesterday how my 40th birthday "was going."

Um, fine. Pretty good, in fact.

Good in that The Dave brought me a 6-pack of Leinie's Sunset Wheat (we can't get Original in Texas), a gift card, and in lieu of a cake, he got me a pepperoni and cheese plate. What a guy! (I hate cake.) (And he also got me a new printer over the weekend.)

It's much better than that year when I was in my second year in college and my friend gave us 10 days notice that she was getting married...on my birthday. And I was Maid of Honor. And Breastless was to sing and play guitar. Shelly was supposed to play piano, but begged out since she hadn't practiced in months. So the friend got married (and later pregnat, divorced, and re-married, but that's another story) and on that day in 1988, I had the Birthday Meal at three different Perkins restaurants (once at 1am early, once for breakfast, and once after the wedding). Strawberry pancakes 3 times. And I got three cakes: one from Shelly's parents, one from the bride's parents, and one from my sister. Pluse I ate wedding cake.

Let me re-state: I hate cake. And I'm no fan of strawberry pancakes either.

All with the feeling that my friend was make a huge mistake...and she was. But that was 20 years ago.

Yesterday was a non-event. A good one, but still non. With pepperoni.

But I did do some thinking. You know, the "What do I want to be when I grow up?" question. I've always had one answer to that:

I want to be and Interesting Old Lady.

But you see, I've already got that one in the bag. Now I need to know what ELSE I want to be when I grow up. I've made a couple of plans that may answer that question, but I'm not going to share them yet.

But it'll be REALLY cool. Really. Stay tuned!

PS: The shirt is says "Happy 40th Janice" and is autographed by both John and Jake Leinenkugel. Thanks DuffMan and BeerHound! (and John and Jake!)


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Janice
Cool shirt...

-- Randy O.

somethinkorother said...

I'm second runner up. Do I look as young? Gosh, I hope so. But don't lie, hehe ok, lie.

Nick said...

Pluse I ate wedding cake.

Amy Ruiz Fritz said...

Happy Birthday! Even if it is a bit belated...