Thursday, December 20, 2007


Some day, I'll write something.

Some day, it will matter.

Today is not that day.

Meanwhile, here's an oldie:

Words I like:

insidious: A lovely word which can refer to behavior, diseases, politics, food.

therefore:Most effective in making a point.

hence: Ditto.

malt: It's all about the beer.

utilitarian: An effective philosophical movement which espouses the value of making decisions based on the greatest good it would do for the greatest number of people. As opposed to, making decisions for the greatest number of people, and telling them that something would be "good for them" *cough neoconservatives cough*.

Words I hate:

Moist: Try wet, sweaty, lick, humid...but "moist" is just icky.

lave: I've been reading too much bad fiction lately. If you have to resort to "lave" you're not creative enough, even for bad fiction.

conservative: Fuck y'all, already.

re-prioritize/irregardless/grow/downsize: The first word can always be more accurately substituted with "prioritize." The second is a sports-commentator invented word which can always be better stated as "regardless." The third is a business buzzword which is silly and insecure and should be substituted with "build" because dammit, growth doesn't involve human meddling, but building is nothing but. Geez. And downsize: you ain't fooling nobody. You fired the fuckers, you pay the semantic price.

blossom: I just hate this word when it refers to anything but flowers. I particularly hate it when it refers to pubescent girls, or women doing anything new, ambitious, or just different.

Words I wish people would use more often:

cock/cunt: Everybody's got one or the other; deal with it.

no: I've got to learn this one.

fucked/screwed/bamboozled: Calls to mind The Blues Brothers. Ya know, when Elwood picks Jake up at the prison, and Jake calls Elwood on lying to him on keeping the band together when he hasn't.

pollution: Call it global warming if you want, or blame it on cow flatulence, but pollution is pollution, dammit.

antidisestablishmentarianism: Just because I think people should learn how to spell it. And do it.

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