Saturday, August 11, 2007

Sure Could Use a Kick-Ass Cup of Coffee

I'm really missing Minnesota.

My dream I just had, I was in Duluth and...oh, nevermind the details. It took place in Duluth and it was happy.

I'm sure I had the dream because this weekend is the Bayfront Blues Festival, something I used to fly to Duluth for...and I'm not there. Next weekend is a party my ex, PeeWee, is having to say goodbye to his house, and all the old gang will be there. Except for me.

I'll be in Minnesota in September, though. A family friend is getting married. The Jesus of Cheese and the kids won't be coming along for several reasons, so it's just gonna be me. Things to like about this trip:

1) I'll get to see BeerHound, DuffMan, The Boy, and Little Deb-y.

2) I'm very happy for the people getting married. I'm giving them a crock pot. That's what the groom gave me when I got married. Not the same crock pot, though. And sorry, Eddie, if I spoiled the surprise for you.

Um, that's it.

Things not to like about this trip:

1) I haven't seen most of the people who'll be attending the wedding in years...and I like it that way.

2) That issue about me being really pissed off at my father.

3) That issue about me being really pissed off at my mother.

4) The whole thing's taking place NOWHERE NEAR DULUTH.

A couple of months ago, I suggested to the Jesus of Cheese that we move to Minnesota. Being he works from home, he can do it anywhere, right? Well, he didn't take me seriously.

That doesn't mean I won't get what I want. Eventually.

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