Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Oh, about the quitting smoking

Just so's y'all know, I have been absolutely, totally, 100% successful in my quitting smoking. I quit at about 10 in the morning on June 2, 2008 and have not had another cigarette since.

I will attribute my success to three things: Wellbutrin, Nicoderm, and gas prices. I'll also give a nod to Jelly Belly lemon drops.

Here's how I did it:

1) Since I'm crazy, I was put on Wellbutrin a couple of months before quitting smoking. It made the cigarettes taste like dirt. I kept doing it, however.

2) Then gas prices got stupidly expensive, and I realized just how much a waste of money smoking is.

3) So I bit the bullet and bought a box of Nicoderm. Luckily the lady at the pharmacy warned me that people get hooked on the patches instead of the smokes, which had never even occurred to me, but it makes sense. What a cool way to get a nic-fix in private! No social repercussions when no one knows you're wearing your addiction on your ass! I originally bought the strongest strength, but it was so strong it freaked me out. I quickly switched to the next level down, and when I started forgetting to use it until halfway through the day, I didn't even bother to go to the third level down.

4) Whenever an urge to smoke hit me, I would first breathe REALLY deeply and thank God that I could. Then I'd go through all those things that the Nicoderm program tells you to. And if none of that worked, I would eat a lemon drop.

Ya see, lemon drops immediately make me salivate. And I like them. Pickles worked, too, if I wasn't in a mood for something sweet.

5) And then there's my family and friends who willingly talked to me on the phone when I needed encouragement, or just something to do.

But you know what? Talking about all this--it makes me want a cigarette.


Rank and File said...

I just quit smoking because the doctor told me my lungs were starting to reject the tar and taking my lungs with it. That was October 19th 1989.

Unknown said...

Great job. Its a hard thing to do and you have done a great job with no back sliding. Congrats!