Friday, March 14, 2008


Renting stinks!

My friend Elly and I were roommates in graduate school. Well, the place we lived, the complex manager was three doors down, and the maintenance guy was four doors down. When we moved in, the manager, whose name was something like Prudence, made it very clear that if we had a rental issues, we were NOT to talk to them in the parking lot about it because "even if they lived on-site, they had their own lives." Um, sure. Not a problem.

So we DID always talk to them in the office and follow the correct channels, but they NEVER reciprocated! Ever!

As we moved in, the maintainence guy was building a new fence around our patio, but he didn't finish the door of it before we moved in. We didn't particularly care.

But every, and I mean EVERY FUCKING TIME he saw us in the parking lot, going somewhere, mr. maintenance would stop us and tell us he was going to fix the door "tomorrow" or "this weekend."

Um, whatever, we still didn't care, but HELLO! Um, a little parity, here?

So we talked to the manager about it, who talked to the guy about it, who then WOULD STOP US IN THE PARKING LOT TO APOLOGIZE! We'd be on our way to class, or work, and he would delay us to apologize for delaying us????

Dumb as a rock.

And he never did fix the damn fence door.

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