Friday, March 14, 2008


I really hate Daylight Savings. It was originally one of those efforts thunk up by the government to give the illusion that they were "taking steps" toward some common goal for the good of the country. Kind of like when they banned disposable lighters on airplanes.

The theory behind Daylight Savings was that if people were given more working hours during the daylight, then they would use electricity less, resulting in economic savings.

However, DST was first used in the US in 1918--when most american homes didn't yet have electricity. And most of those that did, would simply shift their supposed electrical usage from evening hours, to morning hours, because--to state the obvious--it's still fucking dark out when we wake up.

People in rural areas were told it was for the benefit of urban business people. Urban people were told it was for the farmers.

Ya know what? I've never met a cow who can read a clock. They may know how much time goes by between milkings, but it's not like they care if it's 5:00 AM or 6:00.

The only actual economic benefit that can be quantified is that if it's light out, people will do retail shopping later in the evening. And that's fine.

It still doesn't make me any less cranky this morning.

1 comment:

megan said...

I like daylight savings, I'd rather it be that way all year round. who decided that changing times twice a year would be fun anyways?!?!