Thursday, March 20, 2008

Re-post: Interaction with The Jesus of Cheese

(Originally Posted: Sunday, 9/24/2006 7:15:33 PM)




--Come here!

Our conversations always start this way.

He's sitting at his computer, playing some music.

--Name the movie this is from.

It's a lone flute. A pan flute, if I hear correctly. A Stratocaster along with an orchestra swells.

--Hmm. A spaghetti western? Something...hmm...

The music swells even more. It could have been good, but it's too cheezy.

He laughs.

--It's Zamphir. Come on, what movie?

--Let's see. Loneliness, battle, going over a hill, leaving something or someone behind.

--Now who would steal a spaghetti western song?

I hesitate. Then I blurt it out.

--"Kill Bill?"

He blushes and giggles.

--It is, isn't it? I'm a fucking genius!

This was actually a failure. Most songs, I get within the first ten seconds. Unless I haven't seen the movie.

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