Friday, May 25, 2007

Becoming my Mother #1

It's kinda early, the first day of "summer vacation" for my kids. I was awake and alert at 6:45AM. WTF is up with that????

Here's the scary part: I know what's up with that. And I now know how my mom felt, lo, those 30 odd years ago.

"Damn. Now there's going to be here ALL the time."

This morning I know that I can get a few things done before everyone wakes up and starts asking me for things, sitting on my lap, hanging on the arms of my office chair, following me to the bathroom when I pee, interrupting me when I'm on the phone, messing up stuff I just cleaned, refusing to change out of pyjamas until the crack of noon, rejecting what I cooked for supper...

And that's just my husband. The kids do all that and also tell me how mean I am, as well.

My husband doesn't think I'm mean. In fact, most often he doesn't think I'm nearly mean enough.

Maybe I should concentrate on being "mean" this summer.

That, and quitting my worst vice. No, not smoking, though I need to quit that also. I'm talking about compulsive reading of trashy romance books. It's interfering with more important things like talking to my family, and tending to my domestic duties.

It's time for an intervention. I'm sure my family will get on that, as soon as they wake up and change their pyjamas.


Rank and File said...

Sounds just like my family. Only difference is that I'm the husband.

somethinkorother said...

No don't go there! Then I'll have to as well! Oh woe is me.................

Nick said...

I've decided to get started with this vice as well. I'll be by soon to borrow 10 or 12 to get me going.