Thursday, July 17, 2008

Random Question

Why do certain Christians attempt to dictate (and in some cases, litigate) the behavior and beliefs of others, purportedly so that these others will recognize Jesus as their Saaaaaviour, so that they may see the Glooooory of Heaven, when it's really obvious that the Christians in question obviously don't even LIKE the heathens they're trying to convert? Why do these people want to spend eternity with people they don't like? I mean, I know that since we'll supposedly all be perfect and sin-free in heaven, we will therefore like one another, but that doesn't really wash for me.

I'm thinking, even in Heaven, there will be people I will prefer to NOT spend time with. In Heaven, would you rather watch Beethoven actually hear his last few symphonies for the first time ever and watch him say, "Man, that was a little overstated. Why didn't y'all tell me?" As opposed to watching Bach and hear him say, "You want to hear 'Air' AGAIN? Fuck that; let's do some Zepplin." And then Hendrix would yell "Free Bird!" from the audience and Meat Loaf would sit on him.

I, personally would rather join Douglas Adams in his quest to find a decent drink, than listen to Martha Stewart tell me why this Chilean cabernet is perfect for the meal she's serving.

As the wise philosopher Joel once said, "The sinners are much more fun."

Which is probably why those self-appointed saints I was first referring to, take issue.

They're jealous. Even in Heaven, they won't be invited to the fun parties and the cool places. I bet most of them don't even know what a pan-galactic gargle blaster is.

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