Monday, June 16, 2008

And, Too

I'll be heading up to the Northland tomorrow and I'll be posting from the road; please forgive any typos and shit. The iPhone over-corrects my pselling. I'm not bringing the laptop this time, as the battery has tanked.

Me, my PT Cruiser convertible, and the road.

Oh, and two little kids and suitcases and whines for slurpees bathroom breaks, and video game strategy. Yeah, that too.

A couple of stops, and then I'll be assisting in yet another re-roofing. This one's a bigger undertaking. Much bigger. Oh my.

The Jesus of Cheese will be joining us later, as will BeerHound, DuffMan, and Portia. These last attendees are a surprise to my parents, so DON'T TELL THEM!

Speak to the American Gods* for me, willya? I'll need it.

*It's a book. Read it.

1 comment:

somethinkorother said...

I'm sorry, I just can't seem to find the darn thing! Hope you have a safe trip.