Thursday, March 29, 2007

Sweet Irish George

I met my friend George as a Freshman in college, at a fraternity party. The party itself was known as the "Post New Year's" party, which was traditionally held on a Saturday a week or two after the actual New Year's, the point being, most college students weren't actually in town during the New Year's, and if you were going to hold it later, why not hold it on a convenient evening?

On the occasion that I met George, I was with this guy who had just bought his own tuxedo, on clearance from a rental shop in town. He wore the tux on a dare. I think it was our second date, or something.

Anyway, I met George while dancing on a bar. Or perhaps a dresser. I don't quite remember.

I learned much from George. The secret recipe for "greenies," the official drink of his fraternity, for instance. How to steal your roommate's pizza by pretending you're sneaking off to the dining room to have sex. How to host lovely Post New-Year's parties that people will still attend annually, after almost 20 years.

How to not kill your friend BeerPup, even when she changes the outgoing message on your answering machine to say, "We're having a party! Call back later!" or if she wraps everything in your refrigerator with masking tape, then tapes the refrigerator itself shut. Or if she brings three drunk guys to your house who insist on building a chair out of scrap lumber from the deck you just made.

How not to give three drunk guys power tools, diplomatically.

George taught me a lot. He never taught me how to drive a school bus, though. In retrospect, though, that was probably wise.

1 comment:

Sweet Irish said...

That was you than changed my $&^$@ing answering machine greeting? Sweet Irish is alive and well in Minneapolis and still spreading the virtues of a well-mixed greenie amongst other things.

Fortunately the three drunk guys did not cut off any limbs or fingers and the chairs were actually pretty ingenious. And they didn’t make just one chair, they made two! I did miss my fence though. A bit later someone else came along and made snowmen sitting in the chairs drinking a cocktail. Fairly fitting I guess.

Let’s see what did I learn from BrewPub? Well for starters how to make a great Halloween costume out of a bridesmaid dress. I still have it, it still fits and it still gets used. Most recently is supplied a cape and hat for a super hero costume in ’05. Although not sure a 40 year old man should ever get into women’s tights.

The Post New Year’s Party is still going. Although it will go on a hiatus for 2008 and perhaps be back in ’09.

I don’t remember the Krull game exchange. Or rather I don’t remember what we paid or bartered. I do remember lugging it up the hill in the dead of winter though. And yes, I believe Sean traded it for some weed a couple of years later after the tube gave out. A good trade I think.

Oh, and you were dancing on the bar. I remember.

Keep blogging.