Tuesday, January 19, 2010


It's been a rocky Fall and Winter for me. As most (or all) of y'all know, my dad died earlier this month from cancer.

Thus far I've been unsuccessful at writing, let alone posting, an entire cohesive piece about it. I just can't put it all together yet. Therefore, I've decided to post breif thoughts about my dad: his life in general, his illness, the funny bits, the sad bits, the surreality of it all. It won't all be in one post. I can't do that yet. Maybe in the end it will all make sense.

This will be very random--84 years' worth of life rarely ties itself up neatly.

(PS: Each thought will be an individual post. It's the only "order" I seem to be able to impose on these thoughts.)


citymouse said...

My mother died suddenly in July at the age of 67. It was forever until I could even write and then it was a slow climb. When my 44 year old brother was dying of cancer this fall, he kept bugging me to write more because he enjoyed my blog. That really got me motivated. He died last month. I think I've blogged every day since then. I can't tell you what/if will do it for you but remember all we can do is live one day at a time.

Chuck Pergiel said...

My dad died five years ago and I still haven't said anymore about it.