Friday, June 1, 2007

It's still to early for beer

So this morning I was sitting, re-reading one of my favorite trashy romance books, except this one is a good book masquerading as a romance book. Faking It by Jennifer Crusie. It's not a formula romance book because A)The sex isn't "perfect" or "best ever," B)More than just the two main characters are developed, C)It's really funny, D)People have sex because they feel like it, not because they fancy themselves in love with anyone, and finally, E)It has an actual plot that, if you took out the sex, and okay, the "love" story, it would still be a good book.

One plot point got me to wondering. When someone commits a crime, and there is money involved, and the person gets caught, who gets the money? I'm not talking about theft--I'm talking about money handed over (or attempted to be handed over) to undercover cop/prostitutes, undercover cop/hitmen, or undercover cop/caterers. Yeah, some of of it is small amounts (like, say, $50 for a blowjob,) but some is larger, like thousands for a hit. Where does it go? Does the criminal get a refund? Does it go toward some widows and orphans fund? Does it get auctioned off like the cars: "Next up for bids, and undisclosed amount of money, seized during a prostitution sting operation. I can't divulge who was involved, but the guy wanted to be spanked and called 'Bad Little POTUS.' Let's start off the bidding at $100."

I suppose I could look it up. But that would seem like work to me.

Wait a minute. That DID used to be my job. Boy, my memory's going. And I can't recall things very well, either.

Oh look! A duck!


Amy Ruiz Fritz said...

If you ever find out the answer to that question about the money, I'd like to know it. My guess is that it reverts to the state somehow. Probably ends up funding jails or salary increases for politicians.

Nick said...

A duck?!?! Where?!?